I'm trying to run a db agent on my machine. It is not on the machine hosting the db (db2). It also gets the connection to the db, because the authentification is working. I tried some wrong username/password combinations and it threw a no permission exception. So it should work.
The whole error message looks like that:
ERROR [<dbserverVM1>-Scheduler-2] ADBCollector:160 - Error collecting data for database 'dbserverVM1'
com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-444, SQLSTATE=42724, SQLERRMC=*NNECTION;MON_GET_CONNECTION;...brouttrusted;monGetConnectionv101fp4;6, DRIVER=4.16.53
Can it be that the auto generated sql statement is wrong?
-kind regards