I am getting the following error trying to start my dbagent
03:19:23,178 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - using controller host [paid139.saas.appdynamics.com]; controller port [443] 03:19:23,178 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - setting unique host information Host Name [ip-172-25-100-195] 03:19:23,178 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - setting agent version [Database Agent v4.1.7.1 GA Build Date 2015-11-24] 03:19:23,178 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - setting agent properties [{dbagent-name=Default Database Agent}] 03:19:23,178 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - setting agent install dir [/opt/appdynamics/dbagent] 03:19:23,178 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - setting agent type [DB_AGENT] 03:19:23,179 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - setting agent application [Database Monitoring] 03:19:23,179 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - setting agent tier name [Database Monitoring] 03:19:23,179 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - setting agent node name [Database Monitoring] 03:19:23,179 INFO [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:46 - Sending Registration request 03:19:23,624 ERROR [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:30 - Fatal transport error while connecting to URL [/controller/instance/UNKNOWN_MACHINE_ID/systemagentregistration]: org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: paid139.saas.appdynamics.com:443 failed to respond 03:19:23,624 WARN [<Default Database Agent>-Scheduler-1] DBAgent:62 - Could not connect to the controller/invalid response from controller, cannot get registration information
I have a couple of Java agaents already running without issue but this DB one wont connect.
I searched for this problem and the general solution was to configure a proxy but i don't have a proxy and I can telnet to the URL and port 443 without issue.