Hi Guillermo,
This is a SaaS account, right?
I note from https://docs.appdynamics.com/display/PRO42/License+Entitlements+and+Restrictions :
AppDynamics for Transaction Analytics(SaaS) | Instrument 500,000 business transaction events per 24-hour period and access to the AppDynamics-hosted Events Service, with a data maximum of 50 GB per account per day. Data retention limited to 8 days. Additional retention of 30, 60, or 90 days available as an add-on. |
AppDynamics for Log Analytics(SaaS) | Instrument 5 GB of log data per 24-hour period (limited to 8 days of data storage) and access the AppDynamics-hosted Events Service. Additional retention beyond 8 days can be purchased as an add-on. |
I believe this applies to the retention of the raw events in Analytics. Metrics that you create from Analytics searches should be persisted in the Controller according to the normal persistence policies ("Metrics in one-minute increments are retained for 4 hours; metrics in ten-minute increments are retained for 48 hours; metrics in one-hour increments are retained for 365 days.").