The docs for exception detection are Java centric, and I'm unable to figure out how to suppress an exception in node.js.
Here is the exception from the debug log:
appdynamics v4.1.8.0 (07-00-2016 18:01:50.589): { type: 'BTDETAILS', btDetails: { btInfoRequest: { requestID: '375523', messageID: 0, btIdentifier: { type: 'REGISTERED', btID: 'XXXXXX' } }, btMetrics: { isError: true, timeTaken: 2193, backendMetrics: [ { category: 'read', timeTaken: 1571, numOfCalls: 2, numOfErrors: 0, minCallTime: 1571, maxCallTime: 1571, backendIdentifier: { type: 'REGISTERED', registeredBackend: { exitPointType: 'EXIT_HTTP', backendID: '65399' } } }, { category: 'write', timeTaken: 0, numOfCalls: 1, numOfErrors: 0, minCallTime: 0, maxCallTime: 0, backendIdentifier: { type: 'REGISTERED', registeredBackend: { exitPointType: 'EXIT_DB', backendID: '65398' } } }, { category: 'read', timeTaken: 617, numOfCalls: 2, numOfErrors: 2, minCallTime: 617, maxCallTime: 617, backendIdentifier: { type: 'REGISTERED', registeredBackend: { exitPointType: 'EXIT_HTTP', backendID: '65479' } } } ] }, btInfoState: 'RESPONSE_RECEIVED', errors: { exceptionInfo: { exceptions: [ { root: { klass: <Buffer 48 54 54 50 20 45 72 72 6f 72>, message: <Buffer 45 72 72 6f 72 20 63 6f 64 65 2c 20 34 30 31 2c 20 6e 6f 20 66 75 72 74 68 65 72 20 64 65 74 61 69 6c 73>, stackTraceID: 0 }, count: 2 } ], stackTraces: [ { elements: ... ] } ] } } } }
The errors.exceptionInfo.exceptions.root.klass translates to "HTTP Error"
The errors.exceptionInfo.exceptions.root.message translates to "blah blah blah 401 blah blah blah"
How do I get AppD to stop reporting this exception? I don't own the backend that's returning the HTTP 401. My code handles the error gracefully. I've tried configuring exception reporting by excluding 401 in the HTTP section and excluding "HTTP Error" in the exception section.
Thanks for any insight,