Could not load controller
I have installed the on premises controller and hit the startController.bat without any command line arguments. But when I hit the url http://localhost:8090/controller, it says web page not found....
View ArticleController not connected
When I contact the saas controller, it says connecting always but never connected. I have set th.e controller info and tomcat had started correctly
View ArticleController Exception - ExecutionException
Hi, we found this in the logs and not able to see the Flowmap (attached exception image) Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'controller.metricdata_min' doesn't...
View ArticleRe: Is Appdynamics feasible to monitor APIGEE environment??
Hi Team, We also have apigee servers in our environment and want to monitor the same. Please help me how we can start monitoring with AppD. Thanks,Varsha
View ArticleAppDynamics Dashboard Reports to include Database Metrics
Hello I am creating weekly reports in AppDynamics and I'd like to include metrics from Databases. There are nice metrics visible in Database / Metric Browser, but I am unable to include them in report....
View ArticleSAML Authentication - SP-initiated
Hi All,I am trying to understand the difference between the SP-initiated and the IDP-initiated SAML authentication from the perspective of configurations on the AppDynamics end.Does AppDynamics truly...
View ArticleRe: AppDynamics Dashboard Reports to include Database Metrics
Hi Daniel, You can perform the same by creating a dashboard. On dashboard youcal select the particular metric and then schedule a report using that. Thanks,Varsha
View ArticleRe: internal error in DB Collector to MS SQL Server on dashboard tab - wait...
Did you find a solution you can post?
View ArticleRe: internal error in DB Collector to MS SQL Server on dashboard tab - wait...
Sorry No. We've pretty much given up for now. We are evaluating alternative products.
View ArticleRe: internal error in DB Collector to MS SQL Server on dashboard tab - wait...
Chris,I was able to get mine to work. Turned out to be an issue with an invalidlicense.lic file.You need to have the Event Service running. On Windows you can run thatthrough the service or the batch...
View ArticleRe: AppDynamics Dashboard Reports to include Database Metrics
Teah, I know that there are some database metrics, but I wanted to add more metrics to the dashboard. I've created question ticket and got response from AppDynamics support, that it will be added in...
View ArticleAndroid gradle dynamic VersionCode sync issue
In our project we are trying to add the AppDynamics SDK.The versionCode will be determined dynamically based on Git. For...
View ArticleQuestion on JavaScriptAgent install instructions
Hi,In order to configure the javascript agent, we need to set the value for adrum-app-key in <script>window['adrum-start-time'] = new Date().getTime();window['adrum-app-key'] =...
View ArticleBusiness Transaction Autodiscovery
When using the autodiscovery method for capturing business transactions, we currently throw nothing out which means we get stuck with one off start up calls that take up slots and don't go away. We...
View ArticleRe: How to include a data table (or list) in a dashboard
Hi, Please let me know more about this as i want to have data in tabular format for example data for last half an hour . please help. thanks,varsha
View ArticleController URL not accesable
Hi, My controller and databases servers are working fine but I am not able to open my Contoller UI. and I see the following error when I try to reach the URL locally. [root@myscislin-0069 ~]# curl -i...
View ArticleUsing Regular Expression in Health Rules
Hi,What is the logical operator for AND so the line below works. See also screenshot for detailsuklnxpnl001[3478] AND SCLCASEPRDas0[34] Regards, Xander
View ArticleExcluding HTTP exceptions in Node.js
The docs for exception detection are Java centric, and I'm unable to figure out how to suppress an exception in node.js. Here is the exception from the debug log:appdynamics v4.1.8.0 (07-00-2016...
View ArticleSplitting Transactions Conditionally
I am working on configuring business transactions for an application that uses one constant URI for all of its pages. I have had some success splitting transactions using a custom expression on the...
View Articleinternal error in DB Collector to MS SQL Server on dashboard tab - wait states
I get two errors that popup in red boxes, "The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request." and "Error occurred while getting wait state information." I have...
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